Part 1
The Trial Conducted by Religious Leaders
The trial conducted by religious leaders was the first in the process of Jesus' suffering. According to the accounts in the New Testament (John 18:12-14, 19-24), after Jesus was arrested, He was first brought to the house of Annas for trial. Annas was the father-in-law of the high priest Caiaphas and held a prominent position among the Jewish people as a religious leader.
This trial can be seen as an informal interrogation with the aim of trying to find charges against Jesus. During the trial, Annas and some other religious leaders raised questions about Jesus' teachings and his disciples. Jesus responded by saying that His teachings were public and that He had spoken openly to the people. His answer angered Annas, who then sent Him to his father-in-law, Caiaphas, for a formal trial.
This trial reveals the hostility of the religious leaders towards Jesus and their concerns about His teachings. They sought to find sufficient evidence to accuse Jesus and ultimately convict Him. However, Jesus was not convicted in this trial as He did not commit any unlawful acts. This trial was just a part of the process of Jesus' suffering, with further trials and events taking place afterward.