Part 6
Boils are one of the ten plagues in Exodus. According to the biblical account, Moses was instructed to deliver God's message to Pharaoh, demanding the release of the Israelites. However, Pharaoh refused to listen, and as a result, the plague of boils was unleashed upon the Egyptians.
In this plague, Moses and Aaron were commanded to take ashes from a furnace and scatter it toward the sky before Pharaoh. As the ashes became airborne, they turned into a fine dust that caused boils and sores on both humans and animals. These boils brought intense pain and itching, making it unbearable for the people. Even the Egyptian magicians and physicians were unable to heal these boils.(Exodus 9:8-12)
The purpose of the plague of boils was to demonstrate God's power and authority and to warn Pharaoh that if he did not release the Israelites, even more severe consequences would follow. This affliction inflicted disease and suffering upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians, making them realize that they couldn't withstand God's power and that they had to submit to His will.